
No Justice from USA Government. ET connection claims I am King of Earth. 

No Justice from USA Government  The fact that the Judicial branch lacks precedence of trying an x president and so is afraid of Trump is sickening. Are they so incompetent that they cannot think for themselves and try him for the 100s of crimes he is almost certainly guilty of?  I am very disturbed by […]


All of the Unfair People Are Being Watched

My most powerful Higher Power knows every thought that was ever thought unfairly about me. I proved to myself long ago that the Extraterrestrial higher power knows everything we think. Every unfair thought will be penalized. I can see how my unfairness of thoughts and words have kept me locked into a suffering I created […]


Podcast 2 – Let’s Crack What Aliens Are Doing and Stop Doing Each Other Wrong?

If you’re going to have fun, you may as well have fun while you’re doing it. Unfairness needs to be convinced to be fair now. We can all try to not have unfair thoughts about others i.e., stop judging me. I will if you will.


Podcast – Fairness Economics

Welcome!  You do not need to do anything. You are welcome here with us. You are completely accepted as you are. We care about you and about what is happening to you that is unfair to you and yours. This is not about precision. It is simply to convey the possibilities.


Responsible Dominance- Alpha Person

Responsibility of the Alpha Person -Term is about dominance. We need responsible dominance – We need to stop unfairness. 


Unified Alien Arrival is Happening Now- The World Fairness Agreement Gives Us Hope w/Update

People are finally picking me to be leader of planet earth. We will reach the goal of having transition day on 12/26/23. However, there are those that think I have a bad idea. I look forward to seeing them join us. They will because we have alien power with us. All the aliens are unifying […]


Podcast – The Minds of Unfairness Have Finally Been Silenced


How I Got Help from My Gurudev

My Gurudev  My Guru is the “All” it was here before we had a face. It will be here after we have a face. There was no one with a face to name my Guru. My Guru has no name. It is the all-powerful all. I give myself completely to my Gurudev. Jai Guru Deva […]


We Practice “The Way of Fairness.”

We practice “The Way of Fairness.” “The Way of Fairness Practice” is explained below in the fewest words possible. We do not forgive others that did us wrong unless they practice the way of fairness too. We are willing to start being fair to everyone and to not do anyone wrong. We ask that those […]


Podcast – No One is Allowed to be Unfair to Us