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How The Mind of Evil Operates – edit 1

I’m going to explain how the mind of evil operates. I will call it the scheme of evil. It is telepathically telling me things wherever I go. It will tell me as – if it is a person nearby that I am the one that stole your coat. Well. The origination of that was, I […]


I know Others Defeat Unfairness Also

I explain from my personal perspective at times as if I am the only one fighting evil – unfairness. I am deeply thankful to those of you that also fight against the evil – unfairness. Those of you that don’t are indebted to us. You have done us wrong. You need start helping us. You […]


Unfairness Causes Hatred. Unfairness Has Happened to Everyone. edit 1

I have been experiencing severe unfairness within my mind that coincides with a terrible migraine headache. I am using extreme violent thoughts toward all those that are unfair to me during this attack of evil unfairness upon me. Time will tell if the violent thoughts toward them have any results in the real world. I […]


Flooding in Salt Lake City edit 1

I was watching a video showing flooding and a telepathic communication said it will happen in Salt Lake City. The number is 10. ET told me the number is 10. Et knows every thought that humans have. They know every unfair thought that happens about me. They told me they are going to pay back […]


Everyone that agrees to be fair will win edit 1

Because we are fair, we are all equal and all count the same. If you are not being fair, it is not possible to ever win. You will always be a loser. You will be paid back for all the unfairness you do. It might be that this declaration makes it happen because of ET […]


They Harm USA, They do Not Harm Me. They are Harming Themselves.

I am not the USA. I am the all-powerful all. After USA has destroyed itself. I will still be the all-powerful all. Maybe this post will wake them up. Other people do not harm me. They harm themselves. Those that do me wrong will be punished by the all-powerful all. I do not do anything. […]


Paranormal Poop – Not at My Expense

Paranormal Poop – Not at My Expense Dreamed Jeffrey Mischlove sees unexplainable poop on the floor. He’s begging for it to stop. Jesus is going to die for his son. Jeffery is very emotional. Something is very wrong to him or hurtful to him. When I was a young man or close to becoming a […]


Humans Need to Change – The War on Unfairness _ Secrecy – edit

Humans need to change – that means us. We need to change. We need a way to create people that are fair. The mechanisms we have to create fair people are not working. We are not fair people; we are evil people.  Evil means unfair.  Others are doing you wrong and you are doing others […]


Podcast 2 – Teachings on No Separation and Paradox of Truth