
Our Rule of Law is a Farce. Our Policemen must support The Way of Fairness ideology.

Our Policemen must support the way of fairness ideology. Can we get everyone to understand that we need a world agreement for fairness for all of us and from all of us? Our world religions must support this, our world governments must support this and every individual must support this.

It is an issue of systemic unfairness with the human species world wide. Now We have another individual beaten to death by policemen that we all hear about but can do nothing about. This is an act of frustration because we cannot stop the unfairness that is happening to us. The insurrection is also an act of frustration because we cannot stop the unfairness that is happening to us. 

The systemic , ubiquitous world wide unfairness is making us crazy and dangerous to each other. We don’t think clearly and we take our frustration about this out of some aspect that some person we can over power, whether it be the Capital Building or a young man on a skateboard. 

The World Fairness Agreement is the only idea that will actually work that will stop the systemic unfairness in humans. This idea is empowering after it becomes a “thing” world wide. This is up to us. It is up to each one of us. 

We must make a new law or rule that any kind of unfairness anywhere is not acceptable. We need to talk about it and change the problem at the source that causes it. The first step to stopping all the unfairness is to make the World Fairness Agreement happen ASP. We have no hope until it happens. Just the idea that it can happen gives us hope. Can you imagine how much hope we will have when it begins to actually happen?