
No Justice from USA Government. ET connection claims I am King of Earth. 

No Justice from USA Government 

The fact that the Judicial branch lacks precedence of trying an x president and so is afraid of Trump is sickening. Are they so incompetent that they cannot think for themselves and try him for the 100s of crimes he is almost certainly guilty of? 

I am very disturbed by the USA Government in its corruption and ineptness. A system that is mostly concerned with making money is doomed to failure. Attorneys write the laws for their own benefit. Our politician’s purpose is to make money, not to establish justice for all. 

My hope comes from my telepathic connection to ETs not from human evil unfair ignorance. I just woke from sleep and have been told some interesting things. The color yellow is now helping. There was some issue from science… I don’t know what yet. ET connection claims I am king of earth. Time will tell.