
Extraterrestrials via Dreams and Telepathy, tell me that I will Be the one to Save the World

This is all according to the extraterrestrials that have been with us from the beginning. I don’t actually know if it is true. I suppose the powers that be will let us know if it is true. If it is true, it will be this website that saves us from ourselves.

In this post I will be sharing and explaining the dreams that may be saying I am the one that saves the world. This has been told about by many religions in some way, but mostly by Christianity. The following is an introduction, and I will add the rest of it soon. Check back later.

The first event I can remember is a hunch or an inward knowingness that it is me. I am the one that saves the world.  I thought that might be insanity. I could not get away from this thought. 

I was able to forget about it until I had dreams that I realized were matching some of the dreams or visions in Revelations. I dreamed I had a double edged sword for a tongue. I dreamed my name is written in people’s hearts. I knew it will  not be Jesus that will saves the world, it will be me.

I knew these dreams were from extraterrestrials with godlike knowledge and powers. 

I have had many dreams from the extraterrestrials since then. I started having precognitive dreams of events that would happen the next day or the next year. Some don’t happen for several years.  

My Dream History That I Will Save the world

Explain or share all dreams that may be saying I am the one that saves us. 

The first event I can remember is a hunch or an inward knowingness that it is me. I am the one that saves the world.  I thought that might be insanity. I could not get away from this thought. 

I was able to forget about it until I had dreams that I realized were matching some of the dreams or visions in Revelations. I dreamed I had a double edged sword for a tongue. I dreamed my name is written in people’s hearts. I knew it will  not be Jesus that will saves the world, it will be me.

I knew these dreams were from extraterrestrials with godlike knowledge and powers. 

I have had many dreams from the extraterrestrials since then. I started having precognitive dreams of events that would happen the next day or the next year. Some don’t happen for several years.