
Is Punishment For Unfairness Impossible to Avoid?

I want avoidance of fairness to be punished. I don’t know the mechanisms that cause the punishment. It is a mystery. It may be the same as the fine tuning mystery? It appears to be cause and effect. It appears to be because of the oneness of all that is. Perhaps it is some kind of balance that must take place. Perhaps when an unfair person harms a fair person the balance of fairness is upset and this automatically causes the punishment of the unfair person. I don’t know. Perhaps we will never know.

I think there is such a mechanism, and I am eternally grateful for it punishing those that are unfair to me. I think it works for all of us.

Does it happen from the most powerful individual? Does it happen from the most powerful alliance? Who or what is the most powerful? We are all equal in the practice of fairness. We all count the same. Everyone has to be equally fair to others. What is fairness? Fairness is a thing that results from being us.

I hope this post reestablished the balance of fairness and sent some type of punishment to those that are unfair to us. We agree to be fair. Do you agree to be fair? Being fair appears to be required in order to avoid punishment. This will help establish the balance of fairness. I am the balance of evil. I defeat all evil. I give goodness to all fair people. I give crap to all unfair people.

Use Intention to manifest the idea. Learn the power of thoughts. If a mind battle happens it means you are close to defeating the evil unfair ones. Send goodness to all fair people. Send suffering to all unfair people. We hope there are no more unfair people. There is no reason for anyone to be unfair.