
Help Us Make the World of Fairness Happen.

Donate. We need all the money we can get. We want to have the world fairness agreement given personally to every person of power on the planet. We don’t use the letter of the law. The words are just to convey the spirit of fairness to everyone. I’m not going to spend any time editing or correcting grammar. I don’t want to use too much energy on that. We want everyone to have a voice. Don’t worry about the correct words. In the world of fairness that we’re going to create, the only people that will be silenced are the people that are bullying others. 

We are going to have a different kind of justice system. We won’t use written laws. This system of laws’ only concern is in stopping the unfairness that caused the problem in the first place. The people or entities that were causing unfairness will have to answer to our system of fairness. The one that is accused of being unfair will be required to appear and speak to the accusation of unfairness. The purpose of this system of fairness is to stop unfairness, not to penalize people. When there’s disagreement on what fairness is, we will use the one minute method to reach an agreement. The only people that will be silenced are the bullies. If someone is bullying, we use the consensus of the group that uses the one minute method to stop the bullying. In the world of fairness, it is everyone’s concern and responsibility to stop unfairness. So this system of establishing fairness for everyone will correct itself with fairness. In the world of fairness, there will be no more crime. 

Our existing governments and religions will be side by side with the system of fairness. Religions and governments will agree to make everything fair for everyone by working with the united people of the world that want The Way of Fairness to happen.

If a person does not have enough money the unfairness will be addressed that’s causing this problem and this will be remedied in a fair way. If a person has too much money, the problem will be addressed and remedied. We will all be working together to create fairness. The world of fairness will be established on Transition Day. 

We want to acquire facilities, for example, we buy houses in the city. The purpose of these facilities is to create fairness and to address all unfair issues and then remedy the unfairness. It is unfair for people to tell us why this won’t work. We only want to know what we need to do so that it does work. These facilities will be a place for people to gather, to communicate. They will be a safe place for people to go. 

In the world of fairness, the government will be all of the people, all of the time. It is the business of everyone to stop all unfairness in a fairway. We will have realized that any unfairness that is not being stopped must be stopped. Unfairness causes anger and hatred. We don’t want unfairness to happen to anyone. It was not fair that something or someone did us wrong. In the world of fairness, everyone counts the same, no one is above anyone else. In the world of fairness, we will want to protect each other from harm. Almost all of our existing laws are about this to some degree. Everyone will be required to help create fairness for everyone. It is not fair for someone to not want to help us create fairness because we are creating fairness for them.