
ET Vision Told Me Declare War

ET Vision Told Me Declare War

It appears this vision I had during meditation is the most important and powerful single event of my entire life. It happened as I was attempting to accept the loss I was going through. I had been separated from the women I loved and our child. Religion and laws from the religion were being used against me in an attempt to dominate and control me. They wanted me powerless to fight against them. I think it is about the process of determining who owns us. Does the religion that I no longer believed in own me? Who is it that has authority over us? Yes, I think it is more about authority to rule.

This is an ongoing war. I am telepathic with Extraterrestrials and disincarnate humans or something like that. As I write this document in which I search for understanding, I am being given a communication telepathically that there is a death threat upon Glenn Beck. At times this drama is quite entertaining to me. Glenn Beck could be the first documented death caused by extraterrestrials. Why are they against him? It is about what I wrote above.

I am of the belief that the law of fairness has all authority over all sentient beings. I surrender to being fair to all. The Way of Fairness is not violent. We get help from much more powerful beings than humans. We do not need to be violent. There are forces in our reality that can devastate and defeat us. So, who or what do you belong to? I belong to the all-powerful all. It is what I am. I am not the whole pie. I am only a slice of the pie – metaphorically. No individual or God is the whole pie. Only that which includes everything is the all-powerful all. I think it is mostly mindless. We emerged from a mindless past. If a mindless giant asteroid hit the earth and an unseen mindless black hole was to swallow us up it would solve this issue of who or what has authority over Humans. There would not be anyone to make claims of authority over others. There is an old adage that all is fair in love and war. I disagree. However, it is fair to be at war against unfairness.

I am not going to surrender. Those that are unfair will surrender. They will be punished severely until they do. Horrific disasters are about to happen that could be avoided by agreeing to be fair to everyone. Human unity to be fair will enable us to stop the horrific disasters. One possible disaster is World War 3 with nukes. We are at war against unfairness. You are invited to join us. We are Unknown ETs that told me to declare war. We are “The Way of Fairness”