
ET Fairness Contract

I want ET to require humans to agree to the “World Fairness Agreement.” I want it to be a contract with them. I want punishment to happen to everyone that won’t agree to be fair to everyone. I want those that refuse to agree to be fair to everyone to lose their freedom. 

I want things that tend to happen from various causes. Historically corruption results in destruction of the corrupt empire. Communism is close to its demise than one might realize. All authoritarian empires are close to their demise.

The people that are supporting authoritarianism are not fair people. They try to impose their rule over fair minded democratic people. This is happening on a worldwide basis.

There is a common evil in unfair people. They lie. They are freeloaders. They do not want to pay their fair share. They want to get away with their unfairness. They enjoy cheating others. I want them to get what they deserve. I want justice for all. I want fairness for all and from all. I am in a war against unfair people.