
ET Dreams said to Cut the Lambs Throat and to Declare War.

The War Against Low-Level Aliens

The Aliens I am at war with are still trying to rule me. They are trying to deceive me into thinking they have power over me. The telepathic conversation from them is me over hearing them communicating with each other. I am left out of the communication. They ignore me. Alien 1 says, “he has to go” Alien 2 says, “Let him stay.” 

At this point I became offended by their arrogance. They are not complying with fairness. They want me to be under them and the humans that serve them. Do they not understand that I am at war with them for their attempted domination of me? I have decided to require their unconditional surrender to me and the high level Aliens I serve. I hear one of them speak to me – that is a friend in that she will communicate with me and it is a 2 way communication – she explains she will die because I am not surrendering to them. Oh well, we all die – is my response. 

My demand that these lower Aliens surrender to me unconditionally is approved by the high level Aliens that support me. It is these high level aliens that told me to declare war on the low level aliens and the humans that are unfair to me. Most humans are ruled by low level aliens. 

This appears to be about religions at least to some degree. They want me to surrender to Jesus for example. My response is no! Jesus must surrender to me. Jesus is a low level Alien. 

The solution to this war is for everyone to agree with The World Fairness Agreement. After they agree they are totally forgiven and honored, and we all count the same. At this point as I write I am told “He Left” Is it Jesus that left? We are agreeing that I am right. My name is Steven Childs. I agree to be fair to everyone. 

I think Jesus is a fictional prop in this drama. At this point I hear, “Cut his throat” How can you kill something that does not exist? \

I remember a dream in which I kicked my older brother out of my house because he was using the bible against me or just being unfair to me. But out the window he had a lamb beside him and a voice in the dream said to cut his throat. I wonder which one they were talking about. These dreams come from the high-level Aliens. 

Humanity needs to be brought back to a proper order of fairness for all and fairness from all. this is my role in life. This is my calling.