
Don’t Be Deceived by Unfair People blog post and Chris Hedges with Ralph Nadir YouTube Video

The other unknown mind is trying to get me to believe all kinds of things I don’t believe.

If people don’t unite with TheFairness Agreement, they deserve to suffer from the unfairness of other lesser minds. Let the old way stay as is until it joins us.

The World Fairness Agreement is the only idea that will work. This is the only way to solve the problem. It is the only solution to the problem. Let the people that don’t join us metaphorically die from their mistake to not solve the problem of unfairness. It is a metaphorical fatal mistake to not join the idea. The consequence is their unforgivable failure. They are metaphorically marching off a cliff together to their destruction. Oh well. Well well well. Oh well.  

Phase 1. Is a war against unfairness. Unite the people to the idea until we have enough power to require that everyone agrees to be fair or be punished. We will require everyone to be fair to everyone. We will have the power to make it happen. 

Phase 2. Repair and heal from all the damages unfairness has done to us.
Freedom is participation in power. Nadir gives us many examples of unresolved unfairness toward the end The Way of Fairness can solve all that easily. To not help us make the idea of The Way of Fairness happen is a worse that fatal mistake.