
An Important Message From ET

We will know later how important this message really is. My ET friend is showing me with playing cards that she can change things. The cards get changed. They can make it impossible for me to win at solitaire or they can make it so I win 10 in a row. I want to attempt to explain something important about the way their reality is as shown to me. I will use an example. I needed 5 of spades. I tuned the next card to see if it was the 5 of spades. I thought, wait I think there are 2 cards there. But there was only one and then right in front of my obscured eyes I felt that the card was too thick. Yes! It was 2 cards and the one hiding was the 5 of spades. I still thought I would lose because I need more than just that card to win. ET told me the one I need will be there. It is not exactly about this single game; it is about something in the future that will happen so I win. This is how they think and communicate. It is generally about their knowledge of the future. So, this is about me learning to work with them and the way they communicate. 

ET wanted me to write this explanation down. I communicated that it will be difficult to explain in written words. As I began writing I heard an opposing mind say, “I give up” This is about my joint effort with ET to defeat our opposition. ET is on my side, and I am on ETs side. I communicated with thought to ET that I am thankful for your help, and you are awesome to be kind to me. ET said that I am awesome for being nice to them. I have no idea what they are really like. I am just thankful to be able to be their friend.