
We Must Have a World Fairness Agreement to Stop Global Climate Catastrophe.

We Need The World Fairness Agreement to stop climate change degradation. It is a fact that people will make the choices they think will benefit them. People are choosing to do things that are harmful to our environment because they want the security improved standard of living the money they get from it will provide. They are destroying the rainforests. They put greenhouse gasses in the air from all kinds of practices to make more money. 

The world fairness agreement will provide more wealth and security for them than they had before. They will be protected from others trying to destroy them. After transition day there will be worldwide fairness economics rather than competition economics. Everyone will be looking out for everyone. We will not be fighting each other and competing with each other for wealth and security.  Rather, we will be cooperating with each other and helping each other to acquire wealth and security. We have been struggling to gain the power to protect ourselves from others. The World Fairness Agreement will provide all of us with this protection in a much more powerful way. Cooperation is a much more competitive method than competition to gain wealth, power and security. 

Listen to the Podcast – Fairness Economics

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The purpose of this website is show a way to not destroy ourselves and to make a wonderful future.

The World Fairness Agreement

The world fairness agreement is this: We all agree to be fair to everyone. We all agree unfairness is unacceptable. We all agree everyone is required to be fair to everyone. We all agree that all religions, all governments and all other alliances – as well as all individuals – will be fair to all the other religions, governments, alliances and individuals.

This agreement will be worldwide on the same day 12/26/23. It will be the day we transition from worldwide unfairness to worldwide fairness.

Everyone will require fairness from everyone. Everyone that agrees will be totally forgiven for their past. What people did in the past is not important. What is important is that we all agree to be fair beginning with the transition day. This is the day that all leaders, rulers, nations and religions must comply with fairness for everyone and fairness from everyone. All religions must be fair to everyone.

We do not care what they have told us about God. The only God would want fairness for everyone. Our worldwide unity can convince everyone to comply. We believe all morality comes from fairness and all immorality comes from unfairness. Put everything aside for a minute and create fairness for all and fairness from all first. You can believe whatever you want as long as it is fair to others.

All of us have been born into this world where the status quo is unfairness. The only way to protect ourselves from unfairness is to gain power. Money and political power are a must. We ally ourselves with others by choice or by force to stop other alliances from harming us or taking us over. Unfairness is the norm. World leaders could be charged with war crimes if the other side got control. They fight to the death to stop the other side from gaining power over them. All of us are continually in grave danger of being taken over by someone else. All of us have our way of life to stop others from harming us. With The World Fairness Agreement idea all the others are going to help you in that. Everyone will be protecting your way of life.

Here is the deal: We get all billionaires, all political leaders, all religious leaders, all criminals and all street gangs to agree by giving them and everyone the gifts from The World Fairness Agreement. Upon Transition Day the past actions of all of us are forgiven and we are all honored equally for making World Fairness happen. Issues of unfairness in the past are now irrelevant. All these past issues are resolved by this agreement. Our past is secret if we want. No one will be charged with anything. All is forgiven for making this all happen.

Billionaires and world leaders will not need to worry about having someone destroy them. They have the money and power to be able to help us make it happen. They will be heroes. Everyone will be equally the winner for making it happen. Our competition will be defeated by our World Fairness Agreement. Humanity united can solve end all poverty, warfare, crime and climate degradation with our unified effort to stop all human-to-human unfairness. This effort is the most valuable thing any person can do for their self, their family, their religion and their nation.

We are asking you for help with this idea. Maybe it is impossible. Who knows, maybe it is possible. Give us a little support or a lot of support. Keep track of us and see if this thing goes viral and becomes a big deal in our world. Help us make it happen. Be careful, the forces of unfairness are against us. They can be dangerous. It may be wise to create a large unity against their unfairness before confrontation.