
Worldwide Fairness Agreement Was Impossible Until Now

It is because we have the way to communicate with the entire world for the first time since the dawn of man. It was not long ago that humans had no way to cross oceans. Then came the transatlantic cable. We could communicate across the oceans to the few people that could receive the message. Long story short now days we have smart phones, we have the internet, we have communication satellites. We can actually get a message to all of humanity with its100s of languages. This feat is actually possible. Its mind boggling when you think about the big picture of planet earth and the cosmos. The unifying of all of us is actually possible. What can you say about that. It’s almost beyond words.

We can all be ruled by fairness for each other – with all humans in agreement – or we can be ruled by a small minority of powerful unfair people. I cannot visualize this situation any other way.