
We Want Most Powerful People to Support Us. Putin, Musk and Trump

With all their money and influence they support world fairness agreement and in return they are pardoned for their past. We want this pardon to be worldwide for everyone as a way to get everyone in agreement to establish the world of fairness. It will be a worldwide agreement. All religions and governments will talk this over to make it happen.

We have had many protests and revolution but never have we had a unified movement worldwide with all the people wanting the same thing. This idea of fairness for everyone should be a no brainer. All divergent political parties, religions etc. can and should agree on fairness for all and from all. This is what humans should do. This is obvious. Let’s do it.

Once we make it happen, we will be leaving the world of unfairness forever and we will never leave the created world of fairness. The wars and hatred will be over forever. We will be protecting everyone from anyone being unfair to them