
We Can Easily Solve Mexico USA Illegal Immigration and Drug Problem with World Fairness Agreement

If the world fairness agreement had already been made this is what would happen with the illegals crossing the border from Mexico into USA. All countries and all religions involved in this would all have agreed on fairness already. Mexico would have established fairness for all of its people and they would be provided a way to survive in Mexico and if they can’t survive in Mexico – other countries – USA being one of them, would provide fairness so that they can survive. Assistance in some way would come from countries that can provide assistance. It would be financial assistance so that Mexico could buy the food and the shelter for the people that live there in Mexico.

You would have population being dealt with in a fair way, where perhaps one child per person only so for 2 people that’s 2 children so 1 person would only get to have 2 children and one of the children can be from a different spouse. A man can have a child from 2 different women and a women can a child from 2 different men. Or the couple can stay together so both children are from the same spouse.

We would not only have 0 tolerance for corruption we would also have 0 tolerance for unfairness.

The battle to the death between republicans and democrats -or so it seems- would be over and we would be working together with all different factions worldwide in an effort to create fairness for everyone. The way it is now you have people on either side rubbing salt in the wound of the other party and trying to completely destroy the other party.

I made this writing with speech to text in about 5 minutes after listening to the news about illegal immigration crossing the border today. We now have no resolve for this issue, so I decided to speak about how – with the way of fairness – world fairness would deal with this.

All of our world problems can be solved just as easily as what I just did here in about 5 minutes. I spent another 10 minutes rewriting.  I also need to say something about the war on drugs. If the people here in the USA that are using illegal drugs were not suffering from terrible unfairness this would not be the problem that it is now. People that have hope for a future are not going to destroy themselves with drugs.

The door to the future of fairness is hinged on the fairness agreement. There will be no future of fairness without the fairness agreement.