
War is caused by Unfairness

We will continue to explain unfairness until everyone understands.

We understand that unfairness is the cause of all human conflicts and wars and the resulting hatred, depression, suicide, addictions etc. It is ordinary unfairness that causes it all. We understand unfairness is the cause of hopelessness and powerlessness. We understand that most people do not think it can be changed or stopped.

We understand we need to explain to them that unfairness can be stopped. It sounds funny but the way to stop the wars in a fair way is to stop all the unfairness in the situation and the only way that is fair is to stop the unfairness.

Don’t we understand that unfairness is unfair? To not stop the unfairness is to experience extreme frustration. It must be stopped or we will never be happy or at peace within. We understand that – perhaps most – people give up. Or, they have become cruel and they think they should be unfair to others and rule over them. It is just the normal world.

The way to stop unfairness is for enough of us – perhaps even 90% – to revolt or join together to explain to the 10% to be fair to us because of all the trouble it causes the 90% that are not in power over anyone. This is not going to be violent or forceful. It will be very powerful though. 

We believe most people if not all are good people somewhere inside. They will understand the need for complete fairness worldwide. If they agree we will honor and forgive them. They will be heroes. Everyone will be a hero for stopping unfairness completely. It is not that difficult to be fair if we are in a fair world. We won’t need to be unfair any longer.

We can get the war in Ukraine to stop with ordinary fairness. We just need to share the message of fairness worldwide. It is easy to understand this. It is very simple. Keep it simple. Do not listen to the details of why it won’t work. We know it will work. People that disagree are harming themselves. They are harming all of us.