
Power Happens From Unity

Unifying The Masses Against the Asses.  

Humans have always had.This system where a minority gains power and then exploits the majority for their own benefit at the expense of the majority. The powerful minority have the power and the military and the laws? They pay the masses to stay glorified wage slaves. There’s not been any way for the masses to stop them until now. 

The difference is that now we have the internet with its global communication ability. This is why the World fairness Agreement can happen. We can unify the masses to stop the unfairness of the powerful minority. Rather than serving the unity of the powerful minority we can serve the unity of all people and all the people will serve the ideal of fairness for all people. The potential world unity of ordinary people will have the power to bring about the world fairness agreement. This will benefit the powerful minority that has – in a natural and understandable way – acquired the power to keep us in a condition of unfairness. We only need to rally around our own flag or ideology of the world fairness agreement. Our flag or banner says, ‘World Fairness Agreement.” This is what all of us serve first and foremost. We can also be involved in the service of other things, but we need to create a world of fairness rather than unfairness.

If a small group attains power they will benefit themselves unless they are required to be fair to all people. This is why all the people must have the power as equals. Fairness will keep us on the right track. This is why fairness must be the ideal that we all serve. The majority must unify against unfairness to require the powerful minority accept that fairness for all is their purpose and responsibility.

We must realize what we have been doing by fighting each other. We must realize why we have been fighting each other. We must realize that powerful unfair minorities have wanted us to continue fighting each other. They do not want us to unify for the purpose of fairness for all people. It is very simple; fairness is right, and unfairness is wrong. It is possible now for us to unify to stop others from doing us wrong.