
Unfairness of Religion and Politics Has Harmed Us Deeply

Religion hurts the best people on the planet. If you value courage. If you value integrity. If you value honesty. This is the criteria I am using to determine the “best people”

Can you imagine how many good females were burned at the stake for being witches. How many good Jews were killed in the crusades by men on their way to kill good Muslims. Can you imagine how many good Christians and Jews were killed by Muslims? To be fair do you know Stalin Killed more people than Hitler to get and stay in power? Have you heard of Ivan the terrible or Vlad the Impaler. The history of violent warfare about religion leads up to Marxism and Stalinism that wanted to stamp out religion.

So, why is it that humans are so evil? I can understand that humans are unfair to each other and have not taken a stand against all unfairness. Unfairness and tribal warfare is accepted as being normal for humans.

Scripture says to love your enemy. This is absurd. I say let’s get rid of unfairness and we will have no enemy. We will have no hatred. Our entire human experience is one of unfairness and being done wrong by other humans for whatever reason.

Some people say to just accept this as being the status quo. The status quo is the enemy of good people everywhere. We need a new status quo that is not our enemy, but rather it needs to be our friend and protector from unfairness. We need to make unfairness unacceptable. I have heard a politician recently claim that he has zero tolerance for corruption. We need zero tolerance for unfairness. We need to all protect everyone from anyone doing anyone wrong. We need humanity be this.