
Those that will not agree to be fair to everyone will be defeated.

Those who try to defeat us get defeated

There are many alliances that people are joined with. Religions, Political Parties, Nations, Tribes, Circles of Friends, Gangs, Families, etc. Do they control your mind? Do they try to control your mind? They want to tell you what you can say and not say. All too often they are unfair to us. They all want to get their way. They want their way to rule us. 

The Way of Fairness is the World Fairness Project. We are also an Alliance. We also want our way to rule all. Many people believe to let God’s will be done and not our will. They say not my will, but God’s will be done. Also, people can accept the will of the alliance rather than individual will. Not my will but The Way of Fairness’s will be done. We must accept that we will be fair to everyone even when this is not what we want to do. This is where our power comes from. The Way of Fairness has more power than any other alliance. We believe extraterrestrial powers or Gods are supporting our World Fairness Project. We have the winning strategy. We are not being unfair to anyone. We want everyone to join us. We agree to be fair to everyone. 

All the other alliances can still exist but we want them to be fair to us. We are a group of individuals from all the other alliances that work together to bring about the “Fairness Agreement” worldwide. We are protecting everyone from unfairness. This is the winning strategy. 

When others do us wrong by trying to control us or dominate us we know they are harming themselves. They are going to lose. They will not be supported by the power of “Fairness” If there is a God it is “Fairness” Fairness is God’s will. It is called divine justice or God’s justice. I am an atheist but not everyone is. If we are all serving fairness for everyone we are serving the same master whether we call it God or not. 

God explanations that are unfair will lose to the God explanations that are fair to everyone. Do you see how everyone will want to join the World Fairness Project? Ask your God to serve the World Fairness Project. Practice the affirmations for fair mindedness. Those of us that are fair minded are more powerful than those that are not fair minded. True power comes from being fair. Those that don’t practice fairness are always at war with others. This is why the World Fairness Project becomes more and more powerful. No one can defeat us. Everyone will support us eventually. It is unfair to us that unfair people are starting wars and conflicts that cause misery to the whole world. 

We need a winning way of thinking when we are done wrong by someone. We need a way to gain back our peace of mind. They are going to stay in turmoil everywhere they go. They are going to be rejected by everyone. They are harming themselves by being unfair. The unfair alliance will be rejected. We don’t want them around. If they want to fight us or they threaten us our way of thought is “whatever, do what you want we are going to do what we want if you do us wrong you will lose. You will be punished by our alliance. Our shit is more powerful. Unfair people are not allowed to give fair people shit. Fair people give unfair people shit. Unfair people will be in shit all day. Fair people win the crap fight every time. I have a joke that works well. We have shit for a weapon. 

We do not want revenge and we do not want to win personally. We want unfair people to agree to be fair to us. When they do they are forgiven and honored and protected from unfairness from others. 

We begin to see that we can just ignore unfair people’s threats.They have no power because everyone leaves them and joins us. All of us can say truthfully “I will win against unfair people or Gods. Give shit to those that fight us or threaten us. We learn how to defend ourselves from them. We learn how to face them and win. Our thoughts are powerful. We can think this: “You are being unfair and so you will lose. If you take from us what is ours, we will give you shit” If you are unfair to us, we will give you shit.” We do not need to become agitated or disturbed. The calmer we are the better. We just know unfair people always lose. Our minds are calm and silent. We can stop our thoughts about it. All thoughts about it can stop except one thought we have toward them. We just think again and again: “You’re going to be in shit”. They are in shit until they become fair to us and stop trying to win. They need to lose to fairness. When they lose to fairness they win. Their more powerful “fair” self wins and their less powerful “unfair” self loses. Everyone’s unfair self loses, our included. We really are all the same. 

Join us or lose to us. You are either with us or you are against us. Everyone is required to be fair to everyone. If you agree you have joined us. Everyone must agree.

We do not need to tolerate those that are unfair to us and try to dominate and control us. We can be at war with them until they agree to be fair to us. I am using the 2nd definition of war. It is legal for us to be at war against unfairness. We can be at war with corruption or unfairness.

I heard a person tell another person that if they leave Christianity they will die. It is quite common for a controlling person to tell the person they control that if they leave, they will die, or they will lose their soul or God will burn them in hell, or they will be killed for blasphemy. Islam is still killing people for leaving the controller in Islam. There are religions that intend on destroying the other religions. Religions are at war with each other.

We are at war with unfair religions or people that use religions in an unfair way. They say, “Right makes might. Might does not make right” Right and wrong is the same as fair and unfair. We are at war with all those that are unfair to us. We agree to be fair to everyone. Those that will not agree to be fair to everyone will be destroyed. This is our religion. I am in the process of making it a recognized world religion. Our religion is a better way. It is the way of fairness.

There are forces in our mind trying to control us with threats of destruction. They’re laughing stocks and it is them that will be destroyed unless they agree to be fair to everyone. Then they are totally forgiven, welcomed, honored, given mercy and there past is none of our business.