
Their God does not Exist to us.

Their God does not Exist to us.

We are not ruled by the various Gods that religions claim to exist. We dispute that claim. There is a reason their claim must be disputed. Their scriptures say that we should be killed. Their scriptures tell them to despise us and defeat us.  Also they are attempting to rule the world with their Scriptures. They claim we will all surrender to their scriptural God and therefore to them.

The Scripture that wins will have others killed for using a different scripture. This kind of thing has already been happening for a long time. People that believe in their scripture are at war with the people that believe the other scripture because it tells them to kill the people that refuse to surrender to their scriptural God. Do you understand how this keeps us forever at war unless one side somehow rules the world. Then the whole world will be forced to surrender to the infallible scriptural God.

This is why we need the World Fairness Agreement. It is the only way to get everyone to stop forcing their scriptural God on the rest of us. All Religions, Governments and individuals must agree to be fair to everyone. It is a law that will rule everyone. It is the law of fairness. Most of us already agree to be fair to everyone. We think we can convince the people that want to be able to be unfair to us that that will cause them great trouble. We could actually create a prison for people that refuse to be fair to everyone. If you have a better idea to stop unfairness, what is it? We do not want anyone being done wrong anymore. Just agree to be fair and you will be forgiven and honored. If there really is a God than God will be proud of you.