
The New Norm of Fairness with Update

This is the way of fairness and the World Fairness project.

We Need a New Normal of Fairness

If we’re going to prevent a terrible tragedy, we must stop the conflicts before they escalate. Anything that’s unfair we have to stop. All unfairness must be stopped. In the USA, many people – if not all – have learned how to exploit the system. This is going on worldwide also. The justice system is being exploited. There is one appeal after another. We have no laws to stop this. This system of law requires itself to define events that are unjust or unfair as specific laws. If no law has been written down, then there’s nothing they can do about the unfairness. This is how unfairness – unaddressed unfairness – is destroying the USA. If you look into it, this issue of unaddressed unfairness is destroying every country. It’s destroying the entire world. If not a total destruction, it’s a partial destruction. We are on the path of almost complete destruction. 

Humans started off as tribes that were taking land, one tribe from another, and warfare began, and it has never stopped. And we’re still trying to take land, one nation from another, one empire from another. Our situation is of one person exploiting another – one group of people exploiting other groups of people. From the beginning of humanity, it has been one act of unfairness after another.

This is the norm for humans. Because of population growth and technology if we continue doing this, there will be great disasters. We cannot continue doing what we’ve always done. We are in a situation where we’re continuing to make it worse. There’s no end in sight to the escalation of disasters. 

Only one thing will work. We must all agree to stop doing others wrong. We must join together and join forces and demand that the unfair people stop being unfair.

Because everyone can understand this – both rich and poor – we have a lot of hope that we can get an agreement worldwide that will stop the destruction, the disasters, from escalating that are caused by simple unfairness. We need to unite against unfairness. We need to create a new norm in which all unfairness is unacceptable. We will need to get all religions, all governments and all institutions to jointly agree to bring about this new norm.

I am in the USA so I will use our Justice System as an example and there will be similarities everywhere else. 

Justice is fairness and we want fairness for everyone and from everyone. Our justice for all is not really happening. There are advantaged people that are allowed to be unfair to people. Disadvantage people get convicted of things that were not fair to them. 

We can set the law books and established procedure aside and use a system based on stopping unfairness. The two ways can work together until we decide to throw away the law books. We will understand what to do from practicing The Way of Fairness. Ok, for example someone crashes someone’s car and it’s their fault. All those concerned meet and there is a judge helping create fairness too. Everyone talks about what needs to be done to make things fair. The people will learn about what causes accidents from unsafe driving and so forth. There is no good guy or bad guy. We are all just working together to create fairness for everyone. I am keeping this simple and without details. I just want to get the idea across. 

Our Laws are not creating fairness so we get everyone concerned to meet and come up with fairness without using the law books. 

We use this same method to settle countries’ disputes over land and all other issues. We make sure all countries are provided fairness. 

It works because we all will have agreed to not do anyone wrong any more. All the religions will do the same type of thing by meeting together and creating fairness for all.