
The Adversarial Beings

The Adversarial Beings

We do not know why there is a being or group of beings that try to defeat us and all our goals. There appears to be a power above them that will defeat them. We are “Devotional Atheist.” We practice devotional atheism. If there is a God that is fair, then there is no problem with there being a God. We want all beings that are unfair to be defeated. How can what the adversarial ones do, be fair? 

We will not have unfair thoughts. We are protected by the power of fairness. It defeats the adversarial beings. I would like believers to say God is Fairness. How can the Gods they claim to exist be fair?

I have been in a war or battle with the adversarial beings. This is internal. It is within my mind. I have had the opinion they should be destroyed. I think a better way is to defeat them rather than destroy. I once heard a person claim that we cannot get rid of our demons, we can only educate them. I think they need to be defeated so we can educate them