
Podcast 12.23.22…Fairness Defeats Unfairness, Don’t Give Up!

Oh, as an afterthought: First thing this morning when I woke up, I was hearing an adversarial thought telling me that I am dumb. I do not want a girlfriend, so I am dumb according to the teenage egotistical girl. It is very disrespectful for a pretty young female to tell others they are dumb. Actually, it is the egotistical girl that is dumb. I remember a man was going to defend the honor of his girl after she had been very unfair to me. They are defending evil. This is a not good. Females as well as males must be fair. There is a common thing here with what I am trying to describe. Unfair people defend evil. Unfairness defends unfairness. We need to defeat unfairness ASP. It is destroying our planet.

Here is the text of the opening statement:

Hello, This is the way of fairness. My name is Steven Childs. This is our opening statement. With this practice we hope to defeat unfairness. Our victory is in defeating unfairness. Unfairness is evil. Unfairness has harmed all of us.

What are the unfair humans doing? They are killing each other, starving each other, cheating each other, lying to each other, hurting each other, as well as destroying our environment. 

We are hoping the way of fairness will stop this unfairness that is happening to us. We hope to convince them to stop being unfair. 

Try our way and see if it works. It is because of the power of correct thinking that these affirmations work. We read and recite them in our mind daily as often as needed. The affirmations: 

  1. We are protected from unfair people. We protect ourselves with fairness.
  2. We do not do anyone wrong.
  3. We do not think any unfair thoughts about anyone.
  4. When others do us wrong, they harm themselves. They do not harm us. Even if they kill us. 
  5. We protect everyone that’s fair to us.
  6. We know that our minds are quantumly one mind – telepathy explained.

Our purpose is to bring about transition day which will establish the worldwide fairness agreement. This is the day that we change from an unfair world to a fair world. It is when all humanity agrees to be fair and to stop believing anything that is unfair. 

When we feel attacked or done wrong, begin no thought meditation for a few seconds. Think of the affirmations. Do not react. Respond wisely. Be fair and helpful. 

Unfair people just want a reaction. When we don’t react it defeats them. We harm ourselves with our reaction. If they continue to be unfair there is a consequence of cause and an effect. They are setting themselves up for a bad experience that they create. We are not their victims. They victimize themselves with their unfairness. They cannot harm us, they only harm themselves. We are supported and protected by advanced powerful extraterrestrials or guardian angels that support our way of fairness. There are also others that are adversarial. They cannot win. They cannot harm us. Fairness defeats unfairness. They must become fair and then they will win.  

All issues and conflicts will be resolved with fairness itself. All human beings are capable of being fair and helpful to each other. When a person agrees to be fair they are forgiven and honored and their past is not an issue. We think this devotional practice is the most important thing that a person can do for the future of humanity.

Learn how to stop your thoughts. Breath purposely and calmly. Remember the affirmations. Because of our mental connection with others this has an immediate effect on those doing us wrong. Do this as often as needed so we are always ready to not react adversely to any situation.