
My Efforts on the Website are Helping Me. Ghosts, ET and Me/We

My efforts on my website are helping me. 

I may be helping others as well. The world may never realize we need the world fairness solution and transition day, but working toward it is helping me. 

This same thing applies to my telepathic experience I have with my friend I call ET. Having this inner experience may be something only I have. There may be others that have it too. If I alone have this telepathic connection I am going to consider myself fortunate. I shall now do some research on “imaginary” friends. 

If this makes sense to you, Welcome!

Update! I did a quick search into imaginary friends. Are they ghosts? This makes sense. The one that is human like agrees with me there is a power greater than her. She does not want this to be true, but she has no choice to accept it. She is telling me she is a ghost in so many words…she wants me dead to help from the other side. I have been working on getting past my fears. I told her it is not up to us if I die now. She wants to know who it is up to. I told her it is up to the totality. She knows I am given powerful dreams from something greater than her. I stay with the living to serve this greater power. Well, for now I still live.

I asked her if she is ok? I don’t want to hurt her feelings. She says she is ok. We are good friends. This experience is interesting beyond words.