
Let’s Make the World Fairness Project Happen

Let me know in a comment on this post if you’re interested in making the World Fairness Project happen. 

Also, I need help to make the World Fairness Project happen. My thoughts are that we should get a nonprofit status and possibly a Religion status. I am having trouble with lack of computer skills and some health and old age issues. 

I have looked into this and it is not too difficult. It requires – just a wild guess – approx $600 to $2000. I have that much but I need help with doing the work. I just cannot do computer stuff these days. Also We need to get donations coming into this thing. We need to get this to the world. Nonprofit status would help as would making a Religion. I gave up on setting up a credit card method of donations on my own. I just can’t do it myself.  

If you’re looking for something worthwhile to do, send me an email and phone number for texting and calls. Select “Contact Us” in the menu. This organization will need some employees. You may create yourself a great career and also save the world from unfairness.