
Help Me Share This Message with the World. God is Fairness or There is no God

Our world unity for fairness will establish Fairness as the world ruler. This is the common ground for all humanity. It needs to be the foundation for all protests, rebellions, law, religions and governance. There are other issues, but fairness should be at the foundation of all issues. It is what will unify us. We must be controlled with fairness and nothing else. We all count the same. Only Fairness is Allowed to Rule us and no One Else. We Want to be Ruled by Fairness and Nothing Else. This is our objective to achieve. Fairness is not above God. Fairness is God. If it is unfair, it is not God. There is only one God. God is fairness.

I have very little money to work with. For donation I only have PayPal and Venmo.

Also, everyone can share the way of fairness on their own. It is meant to be everyone’s. The message will stay unified with fairness itself. No matter what we do as long as it’s fair. The more people explaining fairness on their own the better will be the result. We need to make fairness happen with a quickness. People are dying.