
God’s Chosen People

God’s Chosen People

Before I begin. I am here to help everyone, not just some people. Also there is an old saying I learned as a child. Two wrongs do not make a right.

How do we determine if something is right or wrong? Some say God tells us and that is final. No more talk of it will be listened to or given any credence. 

I am speaking for The Way of Fairness. We claim that all that is wrong is the result of unfairness and all that is right is the result of fairness. Therefore, If God is not Fairness then there is no God. 

When someone claims God is with a particular people or God supports one religion over another there is terrible conflict and terrible things happen within people’s hearts and terrible things happen to humans. God may even command one people to kill another people and take their land and their women for themselves.

Terrible wars happen. This is still the state of affairs on planet earth. People make this happen according to their beliefs about what they can do to others for their own benefit even though it may harm the other people.

Many tribes throughout our history on earth have claimed God is on their side and they are chosen by God but the other people are not chosen. This becomes an excuse to harm other tribes to benefit one’s own tribe. Teaching this benefits the teacher at the expense of others. Within the tribe any member of the tribe that disagrees is in danger of the wrath of the teacher that has control of the tribe with his claimed knowledge of God’s will.

If you believe you are a chosen person or people over others what if the other God is more powerful than yours. Will you say it must be God’s will when you are defeated? This leads to a never-ending war of our God is bigger than yours and we must pay them back with vengeance for the past when they harmed us.

Maybe it is not only about God, but also about a way to put your team in first place. Maybe there really are no Gods that want this to be happening and it is all just selfish, ignorant people trying to take over the world. 

It is not accurate to blame one tribe more than others. This has been going on in all tribes. Also, this ignorance goes on in each one of us on an individual level. 

So, what is the solution? The Way of Fairness is the solution. That is why I am writing this. We serve the Way of Fairness. We want humans to all agree to being fair to each other and to stop doing others wrong. We call this the World Fairness Agreement. It will be agreed upon worldwide on Transition to Fairness Day. Let’s set this day to be one year from now. 12/26/23