
Fix the Population Problem the Right Way

This is why we need the fairness agreement because it’s the right way to fix the problem. It will fix all the problems. When you fail to get to the first cause of a problem the problem is still there. We all know religion is a major part of the problem. To fix religion we will need the worldwide fairness agreement. To handle difficult problems, we will first need to get everyone thinking straight by implementing the fairness agreement worldwide.

Here is a fair way to stop the population growth. In fact, this will start a small reduction in population. Each person can have 2 children only. If person A has either no children or one child and marries person B and person B already has 1 child, then person A can have 1 more child with person B. The 2 children per person rule will apply to any possible scenario. I am going to talk more on this in today’s podcast dated 12/17/22. I found out yesterday how much racism is involved in population control. The things written and things done to people is horrid.