
Can Religion and Fairness Co-exist?

Sadly, religion should be about fairness to others but instead it tells its followers to be unfair to others. The unfairness starts with what happens to the children born into the religion. Then they are sometimes told to kill other people. They are sometimes told to sacrifice by killing animals and even humans for a God that wants to rule us all according to them. Where is this God of theirs? We do not think it even exists.

If God is us, then God did not create reality. Reality must have happened without an intelligent creator at all. Who can say honestly that they created all that is? Why is he alleged God nowhere to be found? Why did it make it look like we evolved from randomness and that the material world happened from a big bang expansion from a time there was no material world at all. Is this God of creation trying to trick us into thinking God does not exist so we can be blamed for our disbelief? When we look, we so no God creating us. We see mindlessness creating us. Why would a real God do this to us? The logical conclusion is there never a creator God. Some people belief the creator is the creation. The only God is this right here right now as it actually is. Science tells us creation is one singularity that can possibly be understood with a single equation.

Some religions are much less unfair than others. We are responsible for the beliefs we have that are unfair beliefs. Do they really think God wants us to be unfair to some of his children? Tell me why this insanity about God?

Q. I just googled when humans first left Africa?

A. according to science it was 60,000 to 90,000 yrs. ago.

Q. When did modern humans first appear?

A. 200,000 yrs. ago.

Q. Where did modern humas originate?

A. Africa

Science uses the best evidence it can find to support belief. I remember hearing a religious fanatic saying that Satan placed dinosaur bones on earth to trick us away from God. Another fanatic said only God can change our climate, so it is not possible that it’s us and the greenhouse gases we have created.