
Aliens are Punishing Unfairness. The Law of Fairness.

I have had a few days of adversity with other alliances trying to get me to stop recruiting members to our alliance – The Way of Fairness. With the extraterrestrials helping us we have more power than the other alliances. Unfair people will be punished by our alien friends. They are more powerful than humans or unfair aliens.

We are the path to victory. Join us. You are welcome. You only need to be fair to everyone and help us stop unfairness. We are intolerant of unfairness. There are no exceptions. If we cut anyone, any government, or any religion slack there will be no end to the unfairness done to us. Everyone and everything must abide by the law of fairness. No one is above this law. There are no exceptions.

Most of us believe aliens have been involved here the whole time. They have watched humans trying to conquer the world with wars. We have been in a battle for the world since day one. USA, Russia, China and others, each with various political parties, and many religions with various sects have been trying to take over the world so someone else won’t do it first. The Way of Fairness is also in this battle for the future of the world. World peace will not happen until world fairness does. There can be no peace without fairness.

We believe there is only one way to stop this insanity of violence and disrespect. Fairness needs to rule the world. Fairness for all and fairness from all. Fairness needs to be the world’s law above all laws. We all need to surrender to being fair to everyone. This is the only alliance that will ever rule the world. All others divide because they are unfair. Fair people need to rule. Unfair people are then convinced to be fair also. When they agree they are completely forgiven.