
Be Respected by Joining Us. We Are the Greatest Power


You do not need to do anything. You are welcome here with us. You are completely accepted as you are. We care about you and about what is happening to you that is unfair to you and yours.

Everyone needs to understand how we destroy ourselves with division and disrespect that happens from unfairness and its consequential conflict. When one is done wrong one is not respected. Stop doing anyone wrong. Respect everyone.

We must embrace fairness -truth -unity and service to others to save ourselves. Understanding this is the most important advancement in human and alien consciousness – awareness ever. This is the highest awakening.

It is a Merging of extraterrestrials with Earth telepathically. Pray and/or meditate for this. We are now an alliance of fair minds to stop unfair minds. This is the attainment of joint fairness consciousness. This is a way to save ourselves, from ourselves.

My name is Steven Childs.  May I serve you? Select menu for list of all pages.

No one wants to be done wrong. Help us get the idea across to everyone that unfairness should never happen to anyone. Unfairness is disrespect. We protect each other from unfairness and disrespect. Unfairness and disrespect are the cause of unhappiness, hatred, conflict, crime, worst, suicide and depression.

We are a team or an alliance of people that have decided to change the world for the better by protecting everyone from unfairness. First, join forces to convince everyone to be fair to everyone. Anyone not agreeing to not do us wrong is shunned and condemned as wrong and must leave. Get off our unity planet.

Everyone agreeing is honored, forgiven and given mercy and we don’t care about their past, but not until they agree. We are host to our heavenly friends. This is an unwritten social contract everyone must sign into.

Have get together as conquerors of unfairness. This is the most important and valuable work of all to get the entire world to agree and join together to stop unfairness.

Everyone knows what is unfair to them. We join forces to end unfairness to you and your people. Together we can end unfairness. To solve all people problems – big or small – look where the unfairness is. It is easy to see how unfairness is at the root of all people problems. Unfairness is in our religions, our governments, on our streets and in our homes. We need everyone’s help to stop unfairness. You are welcome.

The purpose of this website is to create an understanding of the importance of stopping unfairness and to get the understanding to everyone worldwide.

Imagine a world where people are very unfair to each other and compare that to a world where people are very fair to each other. Imagine a world where there is no way to stop others from being unfair to you and compare that to a world where there is a way to stop others from being unfair to you.

The “Way of Fairness” is such a way to stop others from doing you wrong. You may think it is not possible. It is not that difficult to do. We just need to get everyone to understand how much harm is done from people doing each other wrong so that they all decide to stop being unfair anymore and we get everyone to understand that we need to make wrongdoing completely unacceptable. If we all agree we will be able to stop everyone from doing you wrong. You just have to agree to be fair also. It’s simple: we just get everyone to agree to be fair to each other. Our new technologies in communications will make it possible to tell everyone worldwide.

Billionaires want to know what to do with their money to save the world. This is it. Thís is how. It is just a matter of explaining this to everyone. We need to get people with money and power to help us make this happen.

We get everyone to join together to stop others from doing anyone wrong. We all agree to stop being unfair. Everyone will be required to stop doing others wrong.

A most important part if not the most important part is to share this idea with everyone worldwide. It will be our team participation that makes the world of fairness happen. The wars, the abuse, the crime and poverty will end. One person dominating another will end. Share this website with others please.

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