
How is That Working? How Does What You Are Doing Serve You?

This post is about a method to stay undefeated by unfairness. What if someone says that you are wrong about God or politics or whatever and you feel they are not interested in truth they just want to defeat you with power? You can stay out their trap by saying or thinking “How is that working for you” How is it working for you that I am wrong in your opinion. I do not even need an opinion. Because I do not react, they say or convey somehow that I will be hurt by them or theirs. I repeat “How is that working for you. So, to everything they claim I respond with how is that working for you? They may want to destroy us. Again, “how is that working for you”?

Instead of opposing their opposition you just realize it has no power when you don’t fight it. You can say or think – My friend I have people or beings of some kind with me that can hurt you if you are unfair to me or if you disrespect me. This is because the way of fairness is actually supported by the most powerful beings in reality. I call the extraterrestrials. They are uniting humanity now in their own way.

With this possible truth – I think it is true – You can use the conflict as an opportunity to recruit another person the way of fairness so that we can share our protection with the opponent. Generally, they will join us when they begin to understand it.

I f they are using a belief in a God that they claim has all power we can inform them we are serving the all-powerful all already. Atheism or non-atheism is irrelevant. The fact of what caused reality is not going to change.

What is relevant is that we get some help with our problem of other people. We are here to punish the one that is unfair to us. The only punishment that is required is peer pressure. When anyone stops doing us wrong, they are forgiven and honored. They also count to same as us.

What we have done in the past is irrelevant. It is forgiven if they become fair to us. We give each other privacy and secrecy in our private lives as long as we stay fair to others. We can’t truth unfair people. We can trust in fairness. We stand for truth and fairness. We do not know exactly what the truth of everything is, but we know it is there and it won’t ever go away. Truth is what happens next.

How is that working for you? I hope it is helping you greatly. The way of fairness is something that works for everyone.