
Make a Decision to Stop Others from Doing You Wrong

Are they being unfair? Join The Way of Fairness because together we can stop the unfairness in everyone and everything. Every issue is resolved with fairness. Example: Someone wants you out of their way. Is it fair? Are they being fair or unfair? Are you being fair or unfair. Imagine a religion or government that is unfair and all of us protest it. It is in our way. If someone is unfair to us we can tell them get out, you’re not welcome here. You are welcome when you agree to be fair to us. Example: Someone does not want you around. Are they being unfair or are you being unfair? Do they threaten you with fear? Do you threaten them with fear? No one wants to be done wrong. Well then, none of us should be allowed to do us wrong. We need to make it known that we want fairness in government and religion. We need to make it known we want protection from unfairness.