
What is Evil? Can Evil Defeat Good?

Sometimes there is not a good guy and a bad guy. We just disagree. Other times there is a good guy and a bad guy. What is it that determines if a person is a bad guy? Is there a way to agree on what it is? The issue is settled by truth and fairness. Is someone lying and being unfair to others? Is someone supporting actual truth and being fair to others. Look for the unfairness in our human experience. Can we agree to put an end to human unfairness. If we can it will be the most significant human advancement yet.

If we can agree that good is fairness and evil is unfairness, then we can begin to defeat evil because no one wants to be treated unfairly. No one wants to be done wrong.

Satanism can support fairness and other religions can support unfairness and also, Satanism can support unfairness and other religions can support fairness. We can determine if a religion is good or evil by using fairness as our measuring stick. This also applies to forms of government.

All of us as individuals are on a spectrum of fairness and unfairness. No human is entirely fair all the time or entirely unfair all the time. The most fair among us slip sometimes and have unfair thoughts about someone.

Side A labels side B as evil and side B labels side A as evil. Humans have always been like this. Also, our God is good, and the other Gods are evil. Also, our God has all power and the other Gods do not have all power. So, what or who is it that has all power if anyone or anything at all? Well, first let’s go back to the 2 sides against each other. Both label the other as the evil one or the one that is wrong.

Right is truth and wrong is falsehood. Right does not lie and wrong lies. What is evil? Evil is another word for unfair. Doing wrong to others is evil. Harming others is evil and helping others is good. Being unfair to others is evil. Kind is good and cruel is evil.

The all-powerful is and can only be one thing or one person. This person is us. We are the one person that has all power. The one thing that has all power is the “all” The “us” is the all-powerful one. The one reality of all realities is one “thing” and that one “thing” is all of us. We are one person because reality is one thing. It has been described as simultaneous oneness and difference.

It is easy to see how silly our old idea of God and Gods have been. It is silly to us now that we know better. It was not silly before we learned things. Because there is no evidence, I think it is silly to think God i.e. – the creator -had an all-knowing mind or any consciousness at all. This is the realm of opinion. What is yours. As long as we are fair to others with our opinions then we are not being evil to others. We determine what is actually true and what is actually false from evidence. We have plenty of evidence of the mindless big bang and mindless evolution of life forms that acquired minds and therefore knowledge and wisdom. To the rational mind it is most probable there is no conscious all-knowing God creator. If there is where is the evidence of it? Where is the evidence of heaven and hell? All we have is dream state experiences.

I ask you one question in conclusion: have you ever been lied to? Humans have a tendency to believe lies if they think they will gain an advantage from the lie. Also, they may believe they will avoid some difficulty presented to them from truth.