
We Give You Peace if You Give Us Fairness

There are 2 realms – fairness and war. If you are unfair, you get war and if you are fair, you get peace. Unfairness is the cause of all wars. Who is the boss? This is what war determines. It determines who gets their way.

Are our leaders and rulers fair to each other and to their people? Are our religions fair to their own people and to the others? They must surrender to being fair to everyone just like all of us do.

When someone is unfair to you and won’t stop, you must dare to fight against them, or you will be dominated by unfairness. As sentient beings we form alliances to protect ourselves from unfairness. This is what The Way of fairness is about. In The Way of Fairness. there is no boss. We all count the same.

Being fair is the boss and everyone is required to be fair. The people in the alliance of fairness and the people not in the alliance of fairness are required to be fair to everyone. Both groups are required to be fair to everyone. Fair people rule. I know of no other way to stop the wars and the horrible injustice of humanity to humanity.