
Transition Day

Everyone agrees to stop doing wrong to everyone on transition day. We change from an unfair humanity to a fair humanity on this day. I have explained what the way of fairness looks like on this website. We change from the way of unfairness to the way of fairness on transition day.

Governments, religions and individuals and their rules, laws, teachings, doctrines etc. agree to update to the way of fairness. We get everyone talking about this idea ASP. We are causing one disaster after another until we transform into the way of fairness by updating everything and everyone to fairness from unfairness. We get everyone to agree on the day. This will get our attention on fairness for all like it should be.

Ideally, it will be the end of all wrongdoing from everything and everyone to everything and everyone. All religions will be fair to all religions and all governments will be fair to all governments. All of our laws and rules and doctrines will become fair to everyone by updating them all.

We need to agree to end war, hatred, unfairness, and cruelty. Everyone from top to bottom, from right to left, from rich to poor – everyone and I mean everyone – is required to create fairness for everyone. This is not about me. I have to create fairness too. It is about everyone, and I mean everyone.