
Time For Fairness for All and From All

Up until now humanity has not stopped the hatred from wars or from being done wrong by other religions, tribes and/or nations. We have not had the wisdom to require fairness for all humans and have not taught that it is wrong to do wrong to others that are not in our group. This is why the way of fairness must happen now or we will deeply regret it. Religions need an opening statement in the books saying that anything unfair that follows should be disregarded. The idea that God is an unfair entity is not acceptable. Many of us do not believe in any God. All Gods real or imagined must be fair to everyone. We all need to be protecting all humans from unfairness. No humans should be doing wrong to other humans. Join us and we will protect you from unfairness. You will be totally forgiven of your past and you will be given the right to privacy and secrecy. Unfair people do not deserve these rights.