
No One is Above the Law of Fairness

This is a law of the people. It is a social contract of sorts. We are all required to be fair to each other. This is similar to the law of the land. It should become the law of the land. Religions and governments are also required to be fair to everyone. This is a way that will work. It will end the unfair insanity we live in now. We need to get the people to join our cause. Our power to change religions and governments will come from a unity of the people. People within the governments and religions will recognize that we need the law of the people, the law of fairness to rule us and nothing else should be above it. We will help you defeat all unfair people in your life. We all help each other. This is compassion or love for others. It is community. We will be one big happy family of humans. Wars will end. Poverty will end. Cheating will end. Stealing will end. Lying will end. Hatred will end. Privacy and the right to secrets will be restored for those who join our cause.