
Lies and Unfairness Are Ruining Everything Good

What matters most? It would be great if we could stop the wars, the poverty and the hatred in our lives. Here is how.

We don’t want lies. We want truth. We don’t want unfairness. We want fairness. People that lie and are not fair to us are ruining everything good. This is why we are in a nonviolent war against them. We can convince them peacefully to stop being unfair to others. Our alliance of fair, peaceful warriors can convince unfair people to become fair people too.

We make a commitment to stop being unfair in thought and actions. People have joined us have the right to privacy and secrecy. We are forgiven and granted mercy. People that are unfair are not granted this.

We make a stand against unfairness to our alliance. If you are unfair to any one of us, you will be attacked peacefully by all of us. No one is allowed to be unfair to us. All the unfair things they do will become known by everyone. Unfair people are not respected. They are condemned. They are despised.

When anyone decides to join us by becoming fair in thought and actions, they are then protected from unfairness also. They are honored. They are completely forgiven for everything in their past. They are given privacy and secrecy. What they do is not our business. Unfair people’s lives are our business. We stop them from being unfair people. If we do not put this practice into action everything good will be destroyed from unfairness and lies.

There is a great happiness that happens to us when we protect others from unfairness. We know we are doing the right thing. We know no one can criticize us or tell us we are wrong. Fairness is right. Unfairness is wrong.

There are many different religions, and they tell us different promises about reality and a God. So which one is true? Are any of them true? Is there as God? Are we going to take their word for all this. Which words should we belief? Which words should we get behind and support as truth. Also, there are many political ideas and many countries that use varying ideas. There are tyrant dictators trying to take over the world. Some ideology, some religion or some empire is always trying to take over the country or the world.

We are going to. Our fairness alliance is going to take over the world. The Way of Fairness is going to take over the world. Not by force or violence but by a peaceful nonviolent war against unfairness. The countries and religions can stay in tacked and they will change from within and become fair to all. Join us in this beginning of a movement for fairness and truth that will become the way of the world very soon.

When we change the word changes. All we need to do is make a commitment to be fair in thoughts and actions toward others. We just need to get this message to everyone. It will be easy because of the internet. The time for this change from unfairness to fairness, from lies to truth is now.

It is already too late. The destruction from global warming has already begun. With this revisionary change to truth and fairness we are doomed. The sooner we have word unity the better. We can minimize the damage. We can stop the wars. We can end the hatred.

We are very happy when we think our life works. We are very unhappy when we think our life doesn’t work.

We make this declaration at least once a day: I choose to be helpful rather than harmful to others. I choose to stop unfair thoughts and actions to others.