
Green lights, Short Lines and Parking Spaces Granted

There is a war between unfairness and fairness, good and evil, truth and lie. many people too many of us want the lie to win. They are attemting to cause the truth to lose. If this happens, we are in danger of being totally controlled so as to not be attacked with lies. Without truth we could be blamed for a theft or a murder etc. Truth would not free us. Evil Lords would rule us, and we would all be their subjects. Evil Lords may be a Communist party with all power or an Oligarchy with all power. Rich powerful people would rule the world and there would be hatred and wars everywhere. This is what we have going on now.

Have you ever been helped by a prayer for green lights and parking spaces. Also, short lines are a good thing to try to manifest in our lives. It may be that there is no God but there are ETs that can intervene. Or it may be just randomness with good people helping us because we are good people. Who knows?

On the other hand, have you been rewarded by unfair people for being unfair also. Maybe you look the other way so they can get away with something unfair and so you are an accomplice of sorts. Maybe there is a Satan or force of evil that is real in our lives.

Make no mistake this is a war that we are in. It is between fair and unfair or good and evil. If evil wins, we will be underlings to the great evil that rules all. If fairness wins, we will never be done wrong again. So which side are you on? Maybe you have been defeated by a God or a Satan or by a political party that rules you. If this is the case, do not worry. We will transform that devil into a force for fairness, a force for justice for all.

So, let’s see if we can manifest short lines, green lights, and plenty of parking space. Also let’s see if we can manifest fairness for all and the end of hatred.