
Does Punishment Work?

When someone has done wrong it is too late. The damage is already done. Retribution for the past event may not even prevent the wrong doer from doing wrong again. What we want to do is to stop unfairness from happening to anyone. Imagine there is no punishment for anything other than the death sentence for anything unfair. The wrong doer is given the choice to stop being unfair to others or die. There would be no punishment if the wrong doer agrees to be fair from now on.

This is just an imaginary execution of an imaginary person that refuses to stop being unfair to others in an imaginary world. Never if not almost never would a person not agree to be fair to everyone forever more.

In the real-world unfair people would lie about never doing wrong again and they would be back again claiming to never do it again. This repeat offending could continue endlessly.

People being unfair to others is a very serious problem. All of us have been betrayed by someone doing us wrong. Sometimes the wounds never go away. This is tragic

In the real world we have various religions claiming various things to be sins to various Gods. Simplify this by concluding the only sin is unfairness. Religions are a very serious problem in our real world. Religions often have the idea that offending the God is unfair and others do not even believe in that God.

Is there even a right and a wrong that has any objective truth to it? Religions idea of right and wrong causes very serious problems. Simplify this problem by concluding unfairness to others is the only wrong morality. Being fair to other is the only right morality. This thinking results in an objective right and wrong that we can all agree on. I am not saying we will. I doubt humans are capable of this much integrity.

Is unfairness an objective event? perhaps it is not. If a mean human abuses a helpless animal most of us agree that it is an unfair thing to do. Perhaps there is an objective unfairness we can agree on by consensus if by nothing else.

The only way to find out if the way of fairness works to end war, poverty, crime and hatred is by somehow getting everyone to try it. The only way to help me in this idea of the way of fairness is to support it and not fight against it. I agree to be fair to everyone. Will you agree to it too. Now we need to talk about what fairness for all is. We need to agree on what unfairness is. In the argument or conversation on this we need to have a way to be fair about it. Each person can talk for one minute with no interruptions than it is the other persons turn. We are focused on one thing only. We are going to stop all unfairness. It is not allowed anymore. Humans will be doomed by their own unfairness if they do not do this.

Will Putin agree to stop causing conflict from being unfair? Will Trump? Will Biden? Will Sanders? Will the Pope? Will the caliphate? Will the mafia? Will the billionaires? If they will there will be no punishment.