
Defeat Everyone That is Unfair to You

The Way of Fairness is an alliance. We are all completely independent and we agree to defeat everyone that is unfair to us. Of course I agree to be fair to you. The way of fairness is an intention and a position or stance. It is a declaration. We want everyone to join us. Everyone is welcome. We will be fair to you. We protect members from any one or anything that is unfair. No one is allowed to do us wrong. If you do wrong to one of us you will be defeated by all of us. We are the way of fairness. It is not too much to ask that no one is allowed to do us wrong.

We need to set a new precedent that fairness is the new normal. Our previous normal was that someone or something has had power over us to be unfair to us. This has been against our will. Because we lacked power from our lack of unity we had to go along with being done wrong. The Way of Fairness is our only hope so far to stop all unfairness to everyone.

Our past is forgiven. It is irrelevant. It is no one’s business because we agree to do no one wrong from now on. Everyone is honored that joins us.

Without fairness there is no justice. We are not required to tolerate being done wrong.