
A Unity of Believers and Atheists

In my opinion it is irrelevant if there is a God with all power and all knowledge that created us or if we happened spontaneously from nothing. Perhaps all is nothing at all. It does not make any difference. The divine mind of fairness is here now either way. Those that are fair are divine. It is the people of the way of fairness that are becoming God like. It is us that are becoming the best, the divine.

This position of fairness for all and from all is hard to argue against. Who would argue against the idea that we should all be fair to each other and not do each other wrong?

Our divine purpose, our best purpose is to establish fairness for all.

The only God is us. God is not a separate thing or being from anything else. The all-powerful all is us. It is everything. It is one thing that appears to be in separate parts. All of us together make one whole. It is the all-powerful. There is not anything outside of the “all”

This is called non dualism. It is a major part of many religious teachings. We are separate individuals but also, we are not separate individuals. There really are not separate people with separate selves. In a broader sense we are all one. The all that is one is what we are. We are totally connected to everything else. Our old mistaken ideas of God come from this fact of reality.

The self that is us is the self that is all of reality. Our self is the universes self. There is only one self. There is only one totality. Our minds arise from the one all-powerful all and it matters not if it had a mind in the first place. It does now. Earthquakes and asteroids have no mind, but they have all power of reality just like everything else. They have no intention to do destruction to our human form we are in now.

It is us lucky people that get to live and die in the reality of universe as separate living humans. What are we doing with our limited time? Well, we are destroying our planet and having wars. We are fighting against each other, and we are cheating and exploiting each other. We are trying to be the boss of each other. We can do better than this. Join us and we will do better. Join us and no other individual or God will rule us. We will agree to be fair, and no one is above being fair to each other. There is no God other than the all-powerful all. It is actual truth of how things really are.