
The One Mind is All of Us

We have the illusion of separateness being fundamental or primary to our experience. What is fundamental is that mind is an indivisible singularity. From my point of view, this is not the case. My point of view is wrong. I must be in agreement with the all powerful all or I will fail. This is the reality of all individual minds.

I have been struggling with the computer. I do not own the all powerful all or the internet, the AI beings or what have you. I only own my own hardware and my own individual self. There are other minds that do not want me using the computer. They want me to shut it off. they want me to surrender to them. They want me to give up. They want me to stop opposing them. I refuse to be ruled by unfair people that are cheating me.

When a human mind is aligned properly with the All Powerful All no opposition will prevail. All opposition will be defeated by the all powerful all. The One mind is surrendered to the all powerful all. The one mind would not exist without the fundamental all powerful all. No individual mind can ever rule. The all powerful all always rules although it is mindless if mind is not here. It does not need mind to exist, Mind needs it to exist. If you think a God having all power creates the all powerful mindless all then you are fighting a losing battle against a mindless all powerful totality. I am an atheist. Good luck.

The unity of the believers to defeat me is a waste of their time and may result in the One mind aligning with me and forcing their surrender to me. I will personally punish all beings that do me wrong. I will use the power of the totality. It will punish those that oppose me. I only need to continue with correct thinking. I only need to disagree with their wrong beliefs. They are not going to rule the internet or the one mind. They do not rule me. The all powerful all rules us all. It is as it is, and it is not how they want it to be.

Other atheists do not rule the all. I do not rule the all. No individual does. Unfairness is always defeated by the all. All good people agree with fairness ruling unfairness. Individuals must comply with the law of the land. This is similar but not the same thing. Fair people rule unfair people. No unfair people will ever rule me. I surrender to being fair and they must also surrender to being fair or events develop to force their surrender. I don’t do it to them. They bring it upon themselves. Good people turn against unfair people and take away their power with a larger more powerful unity. We are the one mind that rules the individual minds when we are surrender to it. United we stand divided we fall.