
The Law of Fairness

We are an alliance. We are not the law of the land. We are the peoples law. Everyone is welcome. Intention is power. We intend on stopping others from unfairness toward us. The power we have begins with our thoughts. We agree to stop our unfair thoughts. We can sence unfair thoughts from others. There is a oneness of all minds everywhere. Jung called it the collective consciousness. Buddhism calls it the one mind. This Unity of individuals to stop unfairness is increasing its power over unfair individuals that are unfair in thought or behavior. Our minds are becoming more powerful. If you agree to protect others from unfairness and to be fair to others yourself then your personal life is private. It is not our business. We will protect you from unfairness. If you don’t agree to being fair then you have no rights to privacy. You are despised by us as an unfair person and your unfairness will be exposed.