
Hatred is a Disease Caused by Unfairness

Atheist or not you will need someone bigger than the one doing you and yours wrong. The Way of Fairness is bigger. Maybe your God is not big enough. We are big enough. We have the all powerful all. It may or may not be God the supreme being. It is, however, all that exists. Nothing can be outside of it. It has all power. It might be mindless without all of us, or it might be God almighty creator of reality. Individuals that claim they have all power are not believed. Mind may have evolved from mindlessness with no intelligence involved until intelligence evolved from mindlessness. Who knows?

Some claim God helps those who help themselves. So, let’s stop all unfairness by not allowing it or helping it anymore. If there is a God, then God will be happy with us being fair people to each other. Some say God has an enemy that wants people to lie, cheat and steal. Those people we will not help. They are unfair to us. People that believe in God or religion lie, cheat and steal. We need facts and we need fairness. Are all religions wrong except for one or are any of them correct. Or can all of them be correct somehow? Maybe we should have wars about which group has more power? Who knows? We are destroying ourselves with unfairness. Maybe we should? Who knows. Right now, humans worldwide are capable of uniting and stopping unfairness worldwide.

We give mercy to those that are fair to us. Do you want to stop the unfairness, the abuse, the torment? We won’t tell anyone what you want kept secret if you will agree to be fair to us and not do us wrong. Those that won’t be fair to us won’t get mercy and we will not keep their secrets hidden. We refuse to help those that are doing us wrong. Join us everyone is invited. The only requirement is that we agree to be fair to everyone. Have you got a better idea? Let’s hear it.

The people that are unfair are ruining everything. Good people need to stop them from being unfair. Those that are unfair to us we will punish legally.

Humans have become infected with a disease called hatred. Hatred is a disease. It is contagious. It can be completely cured by getting rid of its cause. The cause of hatred is unfairness. It is crucial that we stop all unfairness. The future of humans is at stake.

We are creating a new world of fairness. Everyone is invited. We want everyone to get involved in bring this about. Everyone will be honored and forgiven when they agree to be fair to everyone. We will all raise each other up rather than hold each other down. We will have love for others rather than hatred.