
Telepathic Death Threats

To My Enemies

If You think your God is bigger than my higher power we may be able to prove you wrong. If you think this then I have a problem with you if you are unfair to me in your beliefs. Perhaps you think you are better than I am because God does not approve of me? You may think that I am required to surrender to your God? My higher power may require you to surrender to my higher power instead? You may be required to stop believing in your God. Your God is not big enough to win. My higher power is. 

There is one everything. It is all there is. Nothing else exists. It has all the power. It is one thing. It is bigger than all the Gods put together. No one is the all. The all is everyone. No individual or group will ever be the all powerful all. It is prior to us. It had no mind but only all power of physical law. The mindless physical law is our master. It is like gravity and we are in free fall until we hit the ground. Death is an example of the mindless all powerful all. Death has no mind. Our death is a result of the all powerful mindless all. There is no intention. Where there is no mind there is no intention. The earth and our sun will one day not exist as they are now. The oneness of all energy is the all powerful all. It has mind because we have mind. Some day humans may become immortal. Is the universe immortal? Our observation is that it will have heat death. Nothing else will ever take place at that point in time. All thoughts will stop. There will be no energy. The all powerful all will be nothing at all. 

We know only a little about reality. We may never know. Why not join us. We are the way of fairness. No one will ever win. Instead, we will all win. If there is a God does the God want us to surrender to the God. I do not believe so. God would have no need of it. In this reality no one is greater than anyone else. We are all the same. The all-powerful all is equally everyone. We want fairness now! We are the way of fairness.