
Only God Can Create Something From Nothing Rebuked

Only God can make nothing into something – true or false? Only an all powerful, all knowing God could do this impossible creation. 

My atheistic answer is that creation is not a thing that came from no-thing. We can all understand that nothing needs no creator because it is not created. I argue that the forms of reality are not something. Rather, they are merely a possible way that nothing can be arranged. Reality is a possible way that nothingness can be. Our ego fights against this idea. It does not want to actually be nothing at all. 

Non atheists tell us to explain how a complicated thing such as a watch can happen without an intelligent designer and how can our world happen with no God to create it? 

My atheistic answer is that life evolved intelligence from no intelligence and we can make watches. As for the world, we can see that it is formed from laws of physics and these laws allow for biological evolution to happen from random chance. This is what happened on the lifeless planet earth. Maybe it also happened on other lifeless planets that have a star of their own. There are trillions of other stars than may have planets. All matter is composed of the same simple atoms. Basically everything is protons, neutrons and electrons. A rock and a human brain are made of the same matter. Different elements have different arrangements of the same fundamental particles. 

Believers cannot explain how God came to be. I argue that God or no God is not relevant to the problem we all face. The problem is others are doing us wrong. Good people need to join together to stop the unfairness and the greed that is killing us or making our lives miserable. Also we must stop being unfair to others or the fighting will never stop.

What if there is a divine mind of extraterrestrials and they are atheists too rather than being an all powerful God. By divine I mean a being or a group of beings that can help us to stop others from doing us wrong. If they show up on planet earth our religions will need to reform into atheism.

Believers argue there is no right or wrong unless there is a supreme being. If God does not create our moral order, why is there one? What is the moral order with no God determining what it is? The moral order is established by us.  

My point here is that we can all agree on fairness as being a universal moral order and unfairness as being a universal sin against the moral order. If there is a God or Satan that disagrees with fairness it would be an unfair God or Satan. We do not want that. We want fairness for everyone including Gods and Satans. We do not want anyone getting away with being unfair to others. 

As humans we have unfair humans in our midst. They may even be family or friends. Maybe they side with Judas Priest. 

Religions have developed that are enemies of each other. There are despicably violent scriptures of what one religion should do to the other. One example is Psalms 137. It explains that the enemies of Zion should have their infants killed. 

Sometimes family or friends are against each other. All humans should be on the same side. We should all stand for fairness and find a way to stop unfair humans from being unfair. 

Sometimes humans rebel against us and choose a God that is harmful to us. Maybe they choose Judas Priest or Lucifer or Jehovah or Allah or Christ or Shiva. Maybe we are believers and they choose atheism to rebel against us.

I suggest we put the God issue aside for now and make The Way of Fairness work. We need to get everyone to agree to be fair to everyone. Together we can make it happen.