
Addiction to Power and Control is the Most Damaging Addiction Humans Have.

Addiction to Power and Control is the most damaging addiction humans have. Control power addicts get a high from being more powerful than others. Power and control addiction is the source of the abuse that causes all other addictions. People that power over us or control us are not being fair to us. Unfair people may look down on us or laugh at us or discredit us or disrespect us. Unfair people must be punished until they agree to be fair. 

Fair people agree to be fair. All humans must agree to be fair or be punished. All humans must not disrespect others. Unfair people are stupid to do us wrong. Unfair people form a gang or group that disrespect the others not in their group. The group may be a religion, a political party or government or a street gang. Groups that are fair and punish unfair groups have more power than unfair groups. Fair people rule. Fair people agree to be fair to everyone. 

The Way of Fairness is a better method to stop addictions. The 12 steps programs are lacking in the same way as many religions and philosophies are. They have no effective way to stop others from doing us wrong. They have no effective way of creating fairness. Actually, they may be creating more unfairness. People are harmed deeply by groups that take us over and control us. 

They did us wrong and then they need to control us so we don’t find out how they did us wrong or so that we cannot punish them for it. Punishment must be fair. There is no punishment for those who agree to stop doing us wrong. 

Unfair people will be completely forgiven if they stop doing us wrong. They will be punished if you don’t. Unfair people are stupid. They cannot control our minds. They cannot stop us from thinking they are stupid for being unfair to us.